The things, which are forbidden during fasting can be divided into three (3) groups as follows:
(A) Related to Head and Mouth:
01. Eating
02. Drinking
03. Intentionally letting the thick dust or smoke enter the throat
04. Vomiting intentionally (even if it is for a medical purpose)
05. Submerging the head completely into the water
(B) Related to Private Parts:
06. Sexual intercourse
07. Doing anything that would cause discharge of semen
08. Using liquid enema
09. Intentionally remaining in state of Janabat [It is a state of ritual impurity (Najasat) caused by sexual intercourse or discharge of semen. “Junub” means the person on whom Ghusl-e-Janabat is Wajib] till the time of fajr.
A person becomes Junub and goes to sleep:
(a) With intention of not doing Ghusl before dawn = Fast is Batil (Null/Void)
(b) With intention of doing Ghusl before dawn:
i. But did not wake up before dawn = Fast is valid
ii. Woke up once and went back to sleep till fajr = Fast + do Qaza
(Make up the fast during other days after Ramadan)
iii. Woke up twice and went back to sleep till fajr = Fast + do Qaza + it is recommended to pay Kaffara (Penalty)
Similarly, intentionally remaining in state of Hayz (period) for a woman whose bleeding
has stopped and has enough time to do Ghusl or, at least, Tayammum before fajr.
(C) Moral or Ethical:
10. Kizb (lying) of the highest type - falsely attributing a statement to Allah, the Prophets, and
the Imams - makes the fast Batil (Null/Void)
Note: If a person does any of the Muftirat intentionally, then the fast will become Batil. However,
doing any of these unintentionally does not harm the validity of fasting.